Wastewater treatment, also called sewage treatment, the removal of impurities from wastewater, or sewage, before it
reaches aquifers or natural bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, estuaries, and oceans. Since pure water is not
found in nature (i.e., outside chemical laboratories), any distinction between clean water and polluted water depends
on the type and concentration of impurities found in the water as well as on its intended use. In broad terms, water
is said to be polluted when it contains enough impurities to make it unfit for a particular use, such as drinking, swimming,
or fishing.
Although water quality is affected by natural conditions, the word pollution usually implies human activity as
the source of contamination. Water pollution, therefore, is caused primarily by the drainage of contaminated wastewater into
surface water or groundwater, and wastewater treatment is a major element of water pollution control.